Thursday, February 24, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

What devastating news. Absolutely heart breaking. I have been following the news over the past few days and it really does seem hard to believe that it has happened! It just doesn’t seem real! It is like watching a sad movie! It is so emotional. Being married and having a child now, it really does pull at the heart strings that little bit more when hearing parents looking for children, husbands looking for wives, friends looking friends. However, it is definitely wonderful to hear all the help being offered from overseas. New Zealand really does have a lot of friends.







At times like this I guess I tend to reflect on what I have and what I take for granted. I can’t tell you enough how extremely blessed I feel to know that my family are safe, to have clean running water, to have power, a nice bed to sleep in, plenty of food in my cupboards, the knowledge I have with regards to 72 hour packs and food storage.  You just never know when or where it will happen and if it will happen to you. The people of Christchurch are definitely in my prayers, especially those who have lost a loved one. Praying and thinking of your Christchurch. xxxx